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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week 11 : Video Attribute to Malaysia

hi friends, today we want to share to u about Malaysia. today we want to show to u a Festival celebrated in Malaysia.  Here are the Eidulfitri , Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas.

we are not creative as the other' group, but happy blogging. =)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Task Week 10 : Business matter. New offers from us.. :)

Hi friends, this week we want to promote about our business new product. The special offer for this week is cupcakes and also the cookies for your family and friends. 

Cupcakes this week is only in 2 flavour that is in
  • Vanilla
  • Chocolate
but, u can call us for the other flavour enquiry.

The cookies also from butter cookies and u can call us for further information. For the further inquiries, u can call us in the number given. Click HERE for the number phone. Happy blogging :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Task Week 9: MAG 5 (Malam Alunan Gemersik 5)

Hi bloggers!. Today we want to share to u about the task were given by our lecturer, about "the campus activity". In the task in week 9, we were thought to post or share the activities that was held in UiTM. Thus, in this post, we wat to share to u about MAG that is "Malam Alunan Gemersik" that only made once a year. MAG is actually a fiest or a activity that consists of singing, dancing, and acting some pentomen. In this year, In MAG 5, the theme was "Fiesta Night" @ "Malam 1 Fiesta".

"the blue lights started after the MC's navigate it."

"1 Fiesta Night theme selected for MAG 5"
Malam satu fiesta is chosen as the theme of 1 Malaysia and this MAG is the big event for UiTM Pahang and this event also train the students to work in a group and meanwhile, it teaches them about the culture.
"1st batch choir in UiTM Pahang"
Choir was performed very well in this night to deliver the chorus song, nice and pleasant to be heard.

"Kelab Estetika Budaya Dancer's"

"The DSG crowded by students"
The student in that night giving the full support to Kelab Estetika Budaya by participate and filled the sit in the Dewan Serbaguna hall.

Thats all for today for your view, hope u all happy with our blog. Please share with us if any inquiries. Oh, before we end the topic today, we would like to promote to u about our new offer. Wait soon!  <3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Task Week 8 : New photo of our product

Bloggers! last week we had a new engagement bookings from customer. For your information, our group is taking reservation for engagement gift, wedding gift and also other event gifts.

Any query, u can call us : 

Phone Number
Group Leader

Happy blogging <3

Friday, February 18, 2011

Task Week 7 : Group Sharing

Friends! This week we want to share about the task in week 7 that is group activities. As we know that the information nowadays can get from the internet, so that today we choose to pick one of the group in the UiTM Pahang that use the internet as the medium to share the information to the students. So we decided to choose Perdipsa as the group in week 7.

*click the picture to navigate.

Perdipsa is a group from Science faculty. This group also created to sharing the information with the science student.  The content of the blog usually sharing the 
  • Subject that related to DIS.
  • Problem section to share with the student and also the lecturers.
  • Also sharing the latest information such as sport event, dinner and also the emergency meeting.
In our opinion, this is the best way to share the information with the people, other than using a notice board. As we know student in UiTM Pahang is too crowded and not all of them have the time to look into the notice board and through this i-board Perdipsa, they can know the latest information, especially to the NR student who are not living in the hostel.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Task Week 6 : Business Entities

Hi friends, this week we were given task to review and choice four (4) blog. The business blog and we have to analyze their strength and weaknesses. Here are the blogs that we want to share to u all and hopefully you also can share with us. * Click the name of the blog to navigate.

1. Kak Engku

*click the pictures for the enlargement

  • Had a variety of size and decorating.
  • The blog had a complete information for customer to order.
  • Need to upgrade the blog
  • Customer target must wide range
  • Only in Klang Valley

2. Ally Hassan Cupcakes
*click the pictures for the enlargement. 

  • Lots of choices
  • It can be used in any functions
  • It follow the customer's needs
  • Only in Klang Valley
  • The price of the cakes must take as considerations.

3. miezairachoc

*click the pictures for the enlargement
  • Variety of choices such as Almond, Cashew nut and the fruit flavour
  • Product is different from the others
  • Beautiful handmade
  • Expensive ( for service charge)
  • No futher information about the product

4. luvchocolate77

* click the pictures fot the enlargement

  • Lots of chocolate choices
  • Easy to find
  • More variety
  • The blog column is too crowded
  • The information is not complete.
  • And the delivery is only in Johor.

That's all from us, hope have any responses and happy blogging <3

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Our First Product

    Hi friends, this is our first promotion..this is the task was given by our lecturer to promote our brands and products. Please take a look and happy shopping =)

    Teddy + Ferreror ; Teddy + Ladybugs ; Lovestick
    "Kalungan Coklat 1"
    "Kalungan Coklat 2"
    "Buckets of bugs"
    "Bug and Bees Nests"
    "Mini bucket"
    "Love box"
    "Love box (3pcs)-Ferrero"
    "Jambangan Bunga bugs"

    and here are the quotations regarding the prices of chocolate.

    Price (RM)
    Teddy + Ferrero
    Teddy + Ladybug
    Lovestick + Ferrero
    Lovestick + Ladybug
    Lovebox Ferrero (3pcs)
    "Coklat Berkalung"
    Chocolate in glass box

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    What are they said?

    Atika Tajarahim - OM114
    "the best part for me is the environment of "Taman Tenet". I can sit and study here while waiting my friends from the others class. Besides that, the view looking of these garden is very calming and peaceful".
    En. Abd Rashid Amran - UiTM STAFF
     "i am very impressed at the entrance of the staff residence which is some of the student might knew that there is a little pond there. That place is very calming and i can exercise there".

    En.Wan Rosli - UiTM STAFF
    "The new sports complex is a new project of UiTM. Besides that, there is a few building area here which will upgrade such as a new library besides Al-Bukhari library, a new cluster complex for the student and also a new sport complex i mentioned. With this changing, i hope the students can use their free time and use the facility".
    Anas Zulkifli - EC110
     "well done UiTM Pahang. I think this is a big changing around our campus. U can see the new building such as Infra-tech Science Building. I like this building because of all my classes there, and my lab also at the block F. The thing that interesting me is this new building has a facilities for disable person that no need to go trough stairs. inspire of that, i think it can be a runaway stage also".

    Interesting places in UiTM Jengka Pahang

    We were given task by our lecturer, Mr.Aidil about four interesting places in UiTM Jengka, Pahang. In our opinion actually, these assignment is quite interesting because through posting the pictuers of interesting places which is more can show the students and the public about what is the changing had UiTM Jengka Pahang done. Our group choose the best 4 interestng places which is:
    • "Taman Tenet"
    • Infratech Science Building
    • Sport Complex
    • "Little Pond"
    Click the pictures for the enlargement    =)
       Taman Tenet

      "Taman Tenet is very popular places among the students in UiTM Jengka Pahang Campus. This is because "Taman Tenet is situated in the center of the important building which is Al-Bukhari library, Lecturer Building, DK (Dewan Kuliah) and Academic building. The best part that taman tenet had is:
      • Pergola
      • Mini bench which is decorated like mushroom in the garden
      • internet access which enabled students to access internet

      Infra-tech Science Building


      Infra-tech Science Building is a new building in the early 2009. This is also an unique building because it had a lots of classes & laboratory. The Infra-tech Science building had a few facilities which is:
      • 3 Big lectures hall which is called Ibnu-Hazim, Al-Farabi & Al-Tabari
      • 5 Blocks of academic building.
      • Facilities for disable person
      • mini stage for student doing activity

      Sports Complex

      is located besides "Padang B" which is build for sport rec faculty. These building is planning to build a gymnasium for the student who are willing to be fit. The best part of these building structure is, its has a glasses wall.

      "Mini Pond"

      is located in front of the staff residence entrance. This pond is a landscape that show how "Khazanah Alam" is. And these place is very strategic point for dong photography activity and also exercise activity.