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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What are they said?

Atika Tajarahim - OM114
"the best part for me is the environment of "Taman Tenet". I can sit and study here while waiting my friends from the others class. Besides that, the view looking of these garden is very calming and peaceful".
En. Abd Rashid Amran - UiTM STAFF
 "i am very impressed at the entrance of the staff residence which is some of the student might knew that there is a little pond there. That place is very calming and i can exercise there".

En.Wan Rosli - UiTM STAFF
"The new sports complex is a new project of UiTM. Besides that, there is a few building area here which will upgrade such as a new library besides Al-Bukhari library, a new cluster complex for the student and also a new sport complex i mentioned. With this changing, i hope the students can use their free time and use the facility".
Anas Zulkifli - EC110
 "well done UiTM Pahang. I think this is a big changing around our campus. U can see the new building such as Infra-tech Science Building. I like this building because of all my classes there, and my lab also at the block F. The thing that interesting me is this new building has a facilities for disable person that no need to go trough stairs. inspire of that, i think it can be a runaway stage also".

Interesting places in UiTM Jengka Pahang

We were given task by our lecturer, Mr.Aidil about four interesting places in UiTM Jengka, Pahang. In our opinion actually, these assignment is quite interesting because through posting the pictuers of interesting places which is more can show the students and the public about what is the changing had UiTM Jengka Pahang done. Our group choose the best 4 interestng places which is:
  • "Taman Tenet"
  • Infratech Science Building
  • Sport Complex
  • "Little Pond"
Click the pictures for the enlargement    =)
     Taman Tenet

    "Taman Tenet is very popular places among the students in UiTM Jengka Pahang Campus. This is because "Taman Tenet is situated in the center of the important building which is Al-Bukhari library, Lecturer Building, DK (Dewan Kuliah) and Academic building. The best part that taman tenet had is:
    • Pergola
    • Mini bench which is decorated like mushroom in the garden
    • internet access which enabled students to access internet

    Infra-tech Science Building


    Infra-tech Science Building is a new building in the early 2009. This is also an unique building because it had a lots of classes & laboratory. The Infra-tech Science building had a few facilities which is:
    • 3 Big lectures hall which is called Ibnu-Hazim, Al-Farabi & Al-Tabari
    • 5 Blocks of academic building.
    • Facilities for disable person
    • mini stage for student doing activity

    Sports Complex

    is located besides "Padang B" which is build for sport rec faculty. These building is planning to build a gymnasium for the student who are willing to be fit. The best part of these building structure is, its has a glasses wall.

    "Mini Pond"

    is located in front of the staff residence entrance. This pond is a landscape that show how "Khazanah Alam" is. And these place is very strategic point for dong photography activity and also exercise activity.

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    About UiTM Pahang - Main Campus in Bandar Pusat Jengka

    The ground breaking ceremony of the estimated RM26 million permanent campus for ITM Cawangan Pahang was done by the Menteri Besar Y.B. Dato Seri Haji Khalil Yaakob on 22 August 1988. The state government of Pahang had allocated 1000 acres of land in Bandar Pusat  Jengka, in the Maran district, to be the site for the permanent campus to be built. The campus was built in two phases, the initial phase to accommodate 2500 students and eventually the campus, with its full facilities and infrastructure, to be able to accommodate 4500 students. The land allotment for the campus was divided into a 60:40 ratio, whereby 40 percent of the land would go for development areas, whereas the remaining 60 percent would be utilized for agricultural purposes.

    The construction of the new site started in 1988 and amidst the economic crisis which saw the project halted for awhile, was finally completed in 1992.  The gradual transfer of UiTM Pahang from Kuantan to Jengka was completed in 1993, thus marking a new era in its history.

    On the 13 August 1996, the campus was officially declared as another branch of ITM. The new campus was officiated by then Minister of Education Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak. The presence of Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak to officiate the ceremony was of great significance as he had officiated the first temporary campus in Kuantan in 1986 and ITM was indeed the brainchild of his late father Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak.

    During his speech, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak informed about the future corporatization of ITM in an effort to become a global player in the education industry. Despite the fact that ITM was only an institute, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak said that ITM could award first degrees right up to doctor of philosophy, making it a unique institution. He added that the development of ITM marked the emergence and assurance of the nobility and dignity of the Malays. He further added that the education provided by ITM was well received, as the graduates from the institution were well accepted by the job market. This was the result of its streamlined focus in developing graduates who would meet the demand of the job market.

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011


    Here are the "The Man" of My Little Heart Collection who are responsible to manage the operation of company.
    CEO in The My Little Heart Collection
    Marketing Executives

    Financial Executives
    Farah Izzati
    Production Executives

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    Our Vision

    • Introduce products to consumers throughout Malaysia and overseas.

    Our Mission

    • Sell and promote products.
    • Provide the best service to customers.
    • Train team members to work in an atmosphere of cooperation, harmony, and also raises the nature of leadership and responsibility.

    My Little Heart Profile

    Hi. Welcome to My Little Heart Collection. We welcomed the arrival of you and thank you immensely for taking the time to blogwalking our site.

    In general, My Little Heart Collection was established for part of the MGT 300 course work and directly involve ourselves in the real world of business.

    This organization is composed by the Founder of My Little Heart Collection, Marketing Executive, Financial Executive, and Production Executive, who are responsible for this project.

     First of all, we are thanks to Mr. Aidil, our lecturer who are given us an opportunity to do this project and directly enhanced our ability to making a business.