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My Little Heart Community

Friday, February 18, 2011

Task Week 7 : Group Sharing

Friends! This week we want to share about the task in week 7 that is group activities. As we know that the information nowadays can get from the internet, so that today we choose to pick one of the group in the UiTM Pahang that use the internet as the medium to share the information to the students. So we decided to choose Perdipsa as the group in week 7.

*click the picture to navigate.

Perdipsa is a group from Science faculty. This group also created to sharing the information with the science student.  The content of the blog usually sharing the 
  • Subject that related to DIS.
  • Problem section to share with the student and also the lecturers.
  • Also sharing the latest information such as sport event, dinner and also the emergency meeting.
In our opinion, this is the best way to share the information with the people, other than using a notice board. As we know student in UiTM Pahang is too crowded and not all of them have the time to look into the notice board and through this i-board Perdipsa, they can know the latest information, especially to the NR student who are not living in the hostel.

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